AlarmThingy is a quick Cocoa program I wrote some time ago, partly to learn Cocoa, but mostly because I wanted an alarm clock program tailored specifically to me. It'll let you set an alarm to go off at a specific time or in a certain number of minutes, and then it'll play a random track from an iTunes playlist. To add variety, it won't play any of the last 10 tracks it has already picked. That little gimmicky feature is really the only thing this program does that other programs don't. I had a similar alarm system set up in Windows, and basically I wanted the same thing in Mac OS X.

It is incredibly unlikely I will ever work on this program again, so I wouldn't really bother with feature requests. Like I said, I pretty much just made it for myself, but I figured I'd put it on the internet anyway just in case someone else out there has exactly the same taste in iTunes-based alarm clock software that I do.